You are many years and worlds away.
But I know who you are in this world.
I have seen your face and heard your voice. We have Touched and are Heartbound. You have lived your life on the road and stage. But I joined you two lifetimes ago and shared in the music you made. It is unclear to me now, whether I will do so again.
Because of who we are, I knew the day, the hour, and way you died. At the last of the Warring Years and the Great Ground War.
There was a moon-lit lake and sky filled of stars; documented as the Night of Bonding. We absorbed ourselves; one into the other. And on the day that followed, we went into the battle
and fought as though one. It was an enemy hand took you down. And when we fell, it was your blood that stained the ground. But before our last breath, though your blade cut into his flesh,
it was my hand that delivered him death.
When all wass done and the final breath taken Within, I opened my eyes. You did not.
Before your body was washed, I painted my face with your blood and wore it to the lighting of the fires of your pyre. I sang to that night's sky that your seed of rebirth slept warm and inside of me. And upon our escape, I bore you through the ancient doorway. Back to the point in time where the ruins of my home still smoldered; from the fires that nearly destroyed it.
There I gifted you with rebirth. There you came back to us; memories intact.
For now, though, this is my letter to you. It tells of the struggles of my Awakening, the hardships and of a new bargain struck and is what keeps me from you and my time among the Allies. It is the chronicling of the darkness of the Final Days.
~Dellasseea N'Syis, First-born Daughter of the Primal Elements.
Prisoner of that which is most commonly referred to as The Forbidden World.
Third Era/Third Displacement
Prisoner of that which is most commonly referred to as The Forbidden World.
Third Era/Third Displacement
Copyright © 2005-2008 The Forbidden World Chronicles ~L.L. Abbott
All Rights Reserved.
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