Knowing where to begin the Tell has been somewhat a struggle. It encompasses so much more than the masses will choose to believe.
It will be the youth whom see our story as the True. Their forbears will stand divided. But, it is the twisted and manipulated few among them who continue to perpetuate the shadow over the many generations of this world’s existence.
Out of ignorance they live the Great Lie. For the many, by all that is fair, it is not of their doing. They are merely born into it~knowing none the wiser.
As were you and those come to find; as was I. For I would not stand compromised by he who was delivered to, and given rule of this world. He who by the Second Displacement, stole me away from you and all that I knew in order to satisfy a perverse perception of love.
And so I was punished by the same means he himself was imprisoned. He set his hand to still my blade and I was forced through the Doorway and hidden within the past. Unborn once again, to those who profited by my presence in their household, lost and seemingly forgotten.
The Old One ordered a Gathering and the Correcting began. While teams secreted among the unsuspecting lived in isolated And deliberate locations in the past. Waiting to be Awakened and rejoined.
Your story differs in that you are of this world and current Timeline. But, you are born of Crystalline heritage; making your alliance with those come to find, a mortal risk.
~Dellasseea N'Syis, First-born Daughter of the Primal Elements.
Prisoner of that which is most commonly referred to as The Forbidden World.
Third Era/Third Displacement
Copyright © 2005-2008 The Forbidden World Chronicles ~L.L. Abbott,
Prisoner of that which is most commonly referred to as The Forbidden World.
Third Era/Third Displacement
Copyright © 2005-2008 The Forbidden World Chronicles ~L.L. Abbott,
All Rights Reserved