To further address the long period between entries—
Those of the Upper Regions of the WestSector have an idiom that sometimes, ‘Life Happens.’ An all-encompassing and self-serving explanation for: ‘That which gets in the way of what one meant to do.’
I have endured a great many distractions, obstacles, and detours; few of which are my own doing.
But, as in the previous Timelines, I would already have lived, for some time, among the Allies.
The first of my published works would be already In Print; for I did not work alone as do I now. And, I would be quite the seasoned Journeyman on the road.
But, as stated in my last letter, only now revealed is the key point to the bargain this time struck. He Who Will Bring You Forth Into Life --the Keeper of the Missing Shard of My Heart--
and the Primal Element of the Void, met in secret to insure a less cruel, more innocent Passage through this current Displacement of Time.
This all set in motion for the benefit of whom? Should I not feel all the more safe and blessed by this resolve? Shall I feel no less the anger as does my Brother and those come to find and return?
What it is, is a serious breech in the natural laws. Even this world’s writers of fiction agree; even if it they believed a Past could be met, you do not change that which has already occurred.
Their excuse? The Futures already experienced were never the true course of Time in the first place?
He Whom This World Was Created to Imprison, already changed— No. He displaced the natural course of Eternity to possess that which he would never otherwise have known; an effort so unworth the task. The interruption of the natural infinite flow deemed the recent Futures unnatural.
But, to what end does this agreement meet for the He Who Will Bring You Forth Into Life?
He walks these days, alone in the dark without the one he sought. Lost and dying in the silence of his own design. Scorned even by those sworn to his purpose; those come to this world before and after him.
As for that which he sought? I am still among those who would keep me imprisoned. And I am not to know the company of those who came and did find.
It is the one thing that so many tried to tell. On the day, as gifted by my father, it was one that none had the heart to convey.
To learn of this explained the long years of Silence. A silence Void of explanation; with no one to willing to explain.
What about how I feel of this—so thoughtful and caring bargain? No thought to consult with the bargained for?
That I do not agree to the terms, I am not so bound. And, since the very fact it changed the course of the current Timeline, the question now becomes, how does it end? How does this horrendous deviation become corrected? Are those of the Gathering no longer bound to the purpose? And with so much time now passed, do these questions even matter?
We are All now, lost and alone in this dark. In the Silence—one without the other. No voices to sing the songs. No music to touch the Heart of it All. Not knowing how our journey will end?
Those of the Upper Regions of the WestSector have an idiom that sometimes, ‘Life Happens.’ An all-encompassing and self-serving explanation for: ‘That which gets in the way of what one meant to do.’
I have endured a great many distractions, obstacles, and detours; few of which are my own doing.
But, as in the previous Timelines, I would already have lived, for some time, among the Allies.
The first of my published works would be already In Print; for I did not work alone as do I now. And, I would be quite the seasoned Journeyman on the road.
But, as stated in my last letter, only now revealed is the key point to the bargain this time struck. He Who Will Bring You Forth Into Life --the Keeper of the Missing Shard of My Heart--
and the Primal Element of the Void, met in secret to insure a less cruel, more innocent Passage through this current Displacement of Time.
This all set in motion for the benefit of whom? Should I not feel all the more safe and blessed by this resolve? Shall I feel no less the anger as does my Brother and those come to find and return?
What it is, is a serious breech in the natural laws. Even this world’s writers of fiction agree; even if it they believed a Past could be met, you do not change that which has already occurred.
Their excuse? The Futures already experienced were never the true course of Time in the first place?
He Whom This World Was Created to Imprison, already changed— No. He displaced the natural course of Eternity to possess that which he would never otherwise have known; an effort so unworth the task. The interruption of the natural infinite flow deemed the recent Futures unnatural.
But, to what end does this agreement meet for the He Who Will Bring You Forth Into Life?
He walks these days, alone in the dark without the one he sought. Lost and dying in the silence of his own design. Scorned even by those sworn to his purpose; those come to this world before and after him.
As for that which he sought? I am still among those who would keep me imprisoned. And I am not to know the company of those who came and did find.
It is the one thing that so many tried to tell. On the day, as gifted by my father, it was one that none had the heart to convey.
To learn of this explained the long years of Silence. A silence Void of explanation; with no one to willing to explain.
What about how I feel of this—so thoughtful and caring bargain? No thought to consult with the bargained for?
That I do not agree to the terms, I am not so bound. And, since the very fact it changed the course of the current Timeline, the question now becomes, how does it end? How does this horrendous deviation become corrected? Are those of the Gathering no longer bound to the purpose? And with so much time now passed, do these questions even matter?
We are All now, lost and alone in this dark. In the Silence—one without the other. No voices to sing the songs. No music to touch the Heart of it All. Not knowing how our journey will end?
~Dellasseea N'Syis, First-born Daughter of the Primal Elements.
Prisoner of that which is most commonly referred to as The Forbidden World.
Open Letter to Future-born Son.
Third Era/Third Displacement of Time/The Alone Years
Prisoner of that which is most commonly referred to as The Forbidden World.
Open Letter to Future-born Son.
Third Era/Third Displacement of Time/The Alone Years

© 2005-2008 The Forbidden World Chronicles ~L.L. Abbott
All Rights Reserved.
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