Whether gone to Us or living, I had believed those whom needed be found— accounted for. Such are the grave and mistaken presumptions made when left alone in Silence.
It is only by the grace of The Old One, that another memory is now restored. There is one more, My Dearest, born of this suffering. Though she remains nameless, in the interim,
were it not for her genesis I would never have escaped Delsyis to find the oldest of the First Ones and his wondrous Creation.
Upon safe passage, when last I crossed the threshold of The Nothingness, Her voice whispered through and echoed our History. Born millennia ago, and somewhat-a-sister to My Brother and Me, She is progeny only to the Primal Element of The Heart and that of The Void; created in secret union to counter the sway affected by We the Firstborns.
To the Ancient Ones’ regret, the aim functioned not as desired. Once exposed for their deceit, their Counterparts and the Creator Race, deemed Her an abomination and as quick, an Outcast.
Discarded by those who fashioned the need and of no clear use to another life form, She took refuge in the vastness of the Great Catacombs of Delsyis. Alone and unwanted. Unloved and unnamed. For Those Who Found Need of Her, found no need to esteem her. As with My Brother and I, She had been nothing more than a means to their desired end.
Not long after their failure, the Primal Element of The Heart took Revenge upon another. To satiate her malice, she conspired and orchestrated the Rape of my heart. Once healed of my mother’s rage, I followed My Sister into Exile. It was there that we found each the other and met—for the first time.
Though quite unlike in appearance —being not fully of Crystalline kind— in due course we stood befriended, by our seeming commonality. And, were it not for The One Created to Ward off My Existence, I could not have found The Old One and The Stolen Shard of My Heart.
For the many years prior to my imprisonment here, I honored that assistance. Each season on the day of my arrival in the Winter Country, I stood by the Pool of Swans, in the Garden of EeDellon, and sang to Her memory and place in my life.
After so long a time and only now just restored, I believe our reunion significant. Though to what avail, My Dearest, I am yet to know. I am also yet to remember the name I gifted her,
what part she may have played in my abduction or how She has faired since our solidarity.
Always more questions than answers.
~Dellasseea N'Syis, First-born Daughter of the Primal Elements.
Prisoner of that which is most commonly referred to as The Forbidden World.
Open Letter to Future-born Son.
Third Era/Third Displacement of Time/The Alone Years

[Author Note: This letter was written to the music broadcast by Radio Rivendell]
© 2005-2008 The Forbidden World Chronicles ~L.L. Abbott
All Rights Reserved.